every check mark is equivelant to a 4-bit value
every cross mark is equivelant to 0

Instruction Name A B C Immediate Description
0x00 LOAD REG Loads REG[A] with IMM
0x01 ADD REG REG REG REG[C] = REG[A] + REG[B] (if IMM == 0 then replace REG[B] with IMM)
0x02 SUB REG REG REG REG[C] = REG[A] - REG[B] (if IMM == 0 then replace REG[B] with IMM)
0x03 MUL REG REG REG REG[C] = REG[A] * REG[B] (if IMM == 0 then replace REG[B] with IMM)
0x04 DIV REG REG REG REG[C] = REG[A] / REG[B] (if IMM == 0 then replace REG[B] with IMM)
0x05 AND REG REG REG REG[C] = REG[A] & REG[B] (if IMM == 0 then replace REG[B] with IMM)
0x06 OR REG REG REG REG[C] = REG[A] | REG[B] (if IMM == 0 then replace REG[B] with IMM)
0x07 XOR REG REG REG REG[C] = REG[A] ^ REG[B] (if IMM == 0 then replace REG[B] with IMM)
0x08 NOT REG REG[A] = !REG[A]
0x09 SPLIT REG REG VALUE REG[B],REG[C] = REG[A] splitted (if IMM == 0: 8-bit split else 4-bit split)
0x0A COMBINE REG REG VALUE REG[C] = REG[A] combined with REG[B] (if IMM == 0: 8-bit split else 4-bit split)
0x0B JMP REG REG InstrucionPointer = REG[A] combined with REG[B] (cuts eny value over 24-bit)
0x0C JMPI InstrucionPointer = IMM
0x0D CMP= REG REG VALUE if REG[A] == REG[B]: InstrucionPointer+=1(expected JMP) else InstrucionPointer+=2 (if C == 1 replace REG[B] with IMM)
0x0E CMP< REG REG VALUE if REG[A] < REG[B]: InstrucionPointer+=1(expected JMP) else InstrucionPointer+=2 (if C == 1 replace REG[B] with IMM)
0x0F CMP> REG REG VALUE if REG[A] > REG[B]: InstrucionPointer+=1(expected JMP) else InstrucionPointer+=2 (if C == 1 replace REG[B] with IMM)
0x10 RAMPOS RAMPointer = REG[A] combined with REG[B]
0x11 RRAM if B == 1 then index VRAM then RAM with RAMPointer | if C == 1 then IMM will replace RAMPointer
0x12 WRAM REG VALUE VALUE if B == 1 then index VRAM then RAM with RAMPointer | if C == 1 then IMM will replace RAMPointer
0x13 RSAV REG[C] = SAV.data[REG[A]..REG[B]]
0x14 IRSAV REG[A] = SAV.data[IMM]
0x15 WSAV SAV.data[REG[A]..REG[B]] = REG[C] unless if IMM == 1 then push SAV to file(saving SAV data)
0x16 IWSAV SAV.data[IMM] = REG[A]
0x17 RROM REG[C] = ROM.data[REG[A]..REG[B]]
0x18 IRROM REG[A] = ROM.data[IMM]
0x19 HALT Halts index IMM located in [[System Specs]]
0x1A PRINT Prints REG[A] in emulator terminal(for debugging ROMs only)
0x1B FLAGS REG REG[A] = Flags[IMM]
0x1C DVCSEND REG Send message to device IMM[3], IMM[1-2] are for device Instruction and is sent with REG[A]
0x1D DVCRECV REG Send message to device IMM[3], IMM[1-2] are for device Instruction and is sent with REG[A]
0x1E ICOUT REG REG REG[A],REG[B] = InstrucionPointer(32-bit for 24-bit)
0x20 EXECUTE ExecuteLocation = IMM[6] and InstrucionPointer = IMM[0-5] (EL info located in [[System Specs]])
0x23 POP REG POPs from the stack to REG[A] (REG[A] = Stack[StackPointer..-1] and StackPointer-=2)
0x24 PUSH REG VALUE PUSHs REG[A] into the stack (Stack[StackPointer..+1] = REG[A] and StackPointer+=2) (if B == 1 replace REG[A] with IMM)
0x25 CALL Calling a function at IMM (InstructionPointer gets pushed into the stack)
0x26 RET Returning from a function (InstructionPointer goes back from poping stack)
0x27 SWAPTOP Swaps the top of stack...
0x28 GetClock REG Value if B == 0 then REG[A] = CPU.Clock else reset CPU.Clock
0x29 Delay (DebugMode Only) if IMM > 0 then it'll wait IMM ms. else pause for input
0x2A Name Disc
0x2B Name Disc
0x2C Name Disc
0x2D Name Disc
0x2E Name Disc
0x2F Name Disc
0xFF NOP Does Nothing